Contribute to the advancement of life-saving research while adding a new revenue stream

The Ovation Research Network provides diagnostic labs with the support and scale they need to help life science researchers get answers faster.

There’s a wealth of information in every sample

In life science research, speed to discovery is dependent on applying biomarker measurements in the preclinical stage.

It’s clear that having access to a large biorepository of samples and their associated clinical data would accelerate life-changing medicines and treatments.

But these samples are often discarded.

test-tubes-lab (1)

It’s too challenging for diagnostics labs to share data

You know your remnant samples carry value, but life science researchers are not contacting directly with your lab to get the information they need to answer questions at scale.

Too many logistical, regulatory and business obstacles stand in the way

Legal Framework for gaining consent

Informatics infrastructure to collect store and safely share data

Resources to develop life science opportunities

Resources and effort required to stand up biobanking operations and characterize samples

Amount of data required to serve projects

The Ovation Research Network is here to change that.

We’re bringing together remnant samples and data from independent diagnostic labs to create one of the world’s most comprehensive and diverse clinicogenomic databases.

Your lab will finally gain the infrastructure and scale you need to mobilize the value of your remnant samples for an extensive variety of research projects—while generating additional revenue.

Mobilize your remnant samples to accelerate therapeutic and diagnostic R&D

More than a LIMS software company. More than a specimen procurement company. We’re your partners in growing your laboratory business. And we’re invested in your success.

Be at the forefront of new treatments and medicines

Increase the ability of health industry researchers to answer questions at scale and bring life-saving therapies to market more quickly and efficiently.

Generate additional revenue for your lab

Receive direct payment for sample use and research-related testing sponsored by Ovation. Fill unused capacity and eliminate downtime with revenue that doesn’t rely on clinical reimbursement.

Accelerate internal research & development

Your lab will have the opportunity to access aggregated and de-identified clinicogenomic data for internal assay development and validation.

How it works


Sample Consent

A sample enters your lab for testing as it does today. The only change is that the patient will be notified that their de-identified sample and associated data will be used in research.


Sample Shipment

Ovation ensures that shipping your remnant samples to our biorepository is as seamless as possible and results in zero cost to your lab.


Sample Storage

Ovation uses advanced technology to de-identify samples before they’re stored in our biorepository for future processing. De-identified patient information will also be stored in our database.


Data Request

A healthcare or life science industry researcher approaches Ovation for clinicogenomic data to help with biomarker discovery or assay validation studies.


Your Lab Receives Additional Revenue

Ovation provides industry researchers existing data or searches our biorepository for de-identified samples that match the desired cohort. We’ll send these samples back to Research Network labs to perform additional testing for the required measurements. Your lab receives direct payment for performing research testing or for the use of your remnant samples.

Leave it to the experts

Our team of clinical affairs specialists will work with you every step of the way to ensure your participation is easy and fits into your routine operations.

Consenting strategy for research testing

We’ll help your lab adopt a universal consenting strategy developed by legal experts specializing in patient data privacy and reviewed by external IRBs.

Privacy and de- identification

We’ll take responsibility for the de-identification of all samples and data in accordance with the requirements set forth in 45 CFR 164.514(b)(1).

Storage & shipping guidance

Your team will be trained in best practices to ensure high sample quality through storage, documentation, and shipping steps.

We love working with Ovation as part of the Research Network. Sending samples to Ovation’s biorepository fits into our workflow and only takes about 30 minutes to an hour each week.

Julia Adams
Director of Operations, Integrated Cellular & Molecular Diagnostics

Find the hidden value in your lab’s samples

Clinical labs in the Ovation Research Network are mobilizing their remnant samples to generate additional revenue while helping life sciences accelerate life-changing therapies. Enter your monthly sample volume to uncover your lab’s expected usage fee payments through the ORN.


Is there a cost to join the Ovation Research Network?
No! There’s no cost for your lab to join the network.
We want to keep our samples in our on-site biobanking facility. Can we still participate in the network?

Yes, we understand that you can’t always move your specimens to an off-site biorepository. In that case, your lab will index the specimens in our software and continue to store them on site. Once we request a specimen for a research project, your lab will determine which of these indexed specimens have sufficient material for research use as part of the verification process. You’ll then send those verified specimens to Ovation’s biorepository, or—if your lab has the capabilities—peform research testing on these specimens.

What types of samples is the network interested in collecting?

We’re interested in most types of samples that your lab collects that contain enough human DNA or RNA to get value from. The model is to cast a wide net and capture samples from a broad patient population across different therapeutic areas.

Do I need to use Ovation’s LIMS to participate in the network?

You do not need to use Ovation LIMS to participate in the Ovation Research Network. We do have software that we’ll help you get in place to serve as the informatics infrastructure for the collection, cataloging, and shipment of the samples, but it’s okay if your LIMS is separate from Ovation.

Of course, things are a bit less complicated if you’re using Ovation as your LIMS provider as well, so we encourage using it for your molecular testing. Still, we understand this is not always possible and would love for your lab to participate in ORN anyways.

Are all labs in the network eligible for the sponsored research-related testing?
Your lab’s eligibility for this testing is based on your capabilities and capacity. When a sponsored project is initiated and it’s determined that additional testing is required, we’ll reach out to all the labs in the network who have the capabilities required to complete the testing needed and assess their capacity to take it on. Our preference is to bring the testing back to the lab that contributed the samples to the network.
What types of research testing opportunities are available to diagnostic labs in the network?

We’re always looking to characterize these samples as fully as possible when we pull them out of the biorepository, which is why we’re typically performing a wide range of testing, including:

  • Total nucleic acid extraction from those samples (collecting both DNA and RNA from those libraries)
  • Whole-genome sequencing
  • RNA (Whole-exome) sequencing
  • Determining disease vs. normal tissue within the sample

As you can see from the above, almost any lab can perform at least some of the research testing we’re doing in the network.

How will Ovation ensure proper de-identification of samples and data?

Ovation will ensure that patient samples and information are de-identified in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule before they’re entered into Ovation’s database. Internationally recognized experts on health data privacy have assessed Ovation’s database (design and structure), policies, and data processing routines and determined that they meet the de-identification requirements, satisfying the “Expert Determination” method outlined in the HIPAA Privacy Rule (45 CFR 164.514(b)(1)).

How is Ovation different from a specimen procurement company?

Unlike specimen procurement companies, Ovation is bringing diagnostic labs into the real-world data business. We’re creating a clinicogenomic database that aims to fundamentally change the way that preclinical research is done today. This includes giving diagnostic labs the opportunity to participate by performing paid research testing and accessing aggregated data for their internal assay development and validation. In other words, this is not a transactional relationship. It’s a long-term partnership.

Ready to unlock the value of your remnant samples and increase the ability of researchers to bring life-saving therapies to market?

If you’re currently discarding samples, we’d love to talk.

Explore more about participating in the Ovation Research Network

Press Release

Molecular LIMS Leader Launches Ovation Research Network

ORN in Action

Ovation Participates in NIH RADx Tech Variant Task Force

ORN in Action

Announcing Broader Access to COVID-19 Research Database

Ovation and DNAnexus Present at the 2nd Precision Medicine in IBD Summit

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We looking forward to speaking with you!